Monday 22 July 2024

Random Marine

 Felt the need to build and paint up a random Marine. I may give him Raptor patches in the future.

Saturday 20 July 2024

Giant Spider

 Repainted cheap plastic toy, how cheap? Free from an office desk at work :) 

Monday 15 July 2024

More Randomness

 Another mishmash of sci-fi minis.

Sunday 7 July 2024

Racing Buggy

 Picked up a cheap race car toy from a discount retailer in the UK called Poundland for £2. e quick paint job later and we have a dirty racer. May buy a second and stick some guns on it.

Saturday 6 July 2024


 A pair of miniatures a pal at work was kind enough to print for me. Certainly cheaper than buying the official hanger on model from GW.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Chaos Sorcerer and Attendents

 Picked this set up last year and it just sat unfinished for half a year. Finally got around to painting them up. No clue what legion the CSM used to belong to.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Crimson Star Destroyer

 Another Revell model, couldnt be arsed with the usual grey scheme.