Monday, 11 April 2016

Albion 13th & Sister's of the Bloody Blade Mustered (2016 edition)

The full might mustered for action....though to be fair I don't think I'll be doing another one of these as it took me three hours to set up and the conservatory is like an oven. What I did find is a bunch of left over miniatures, mostly officers, commissars and 3 snipers with no where to call home.


  1. Kool. It's great !

    The left over officers and others could be a Brigade HQ.

  2. Very impressive indeed! That is a whole lot of hobby love right there, well done.

  3. That is fantastic. Glad you took the time and shared the pix. Thanks.

  4. These photos are always great, I hope you change your mind about doing more

  5. By the Holy Throne of Terra! That is marvellous!
